Django and Security
James Bennett
This talk will be a historical tour of the Django project's approach to security. We'll cover how Django's security policies have evolved over its eleven-year history, the ways the framework has integrated security as a major goal, and what we can learn from looking at patterns in the security issues that have occurred in Django.
Speaker Bio:
James has been using Django almost since the day it was publicly released, and a member of the Django core team since 2007. He currently serves on the Django security team and technical board, and as a Director of the Django Software Foundation. At his day job, James works to reinvent health insurance as part of the engineering team at Clover Health in San Francisco.
Video of Presentation
From YouTube
Meeting Schedule:
  • 7:00 pm Networking
  • 7:15 pm Announcements and presentation
  • 8:45 pm Random access
  • 9:00 pm Event ends


605 W. Maude Ave, Sunnyvale, CA.

Note that this is a new location.

Meeting Room:
Yosemite Room