Python for Unix and Linux System Administration

I have a hard time imagining the target audience for this book. I'm comfortable with both Python and *nix administration having worked with python since v1.5.2 and *nix since Xenix v3.0, and although neither has ever been more than about 20% of my work, both are critical to administrating the 30 *nix boxes at the dozen sites I manage ranging from 5-80 users/site.

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JavaScript & DHTML Cookbook

As older browsers have mostly faded away, and new applications, such as GMail and Google Maps, have shown the power in the Document Object Model, interest in the JavaScript language has grown. The classic JavaScript reference is JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, by David Flanagan (also published by O'Reilly); Danny Goodman's other book, Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference (again, also published by O'Reilly), is a reasonable companion document. These two guides wear the term "Definitive" reasonably well, although they fail to document some of the more interesting XML and HTTP tools available in later IE, Firefox, Safari and Opera browsers

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AutoIt v3: Your Quick Guide

For those of you who aren't familiar with AutoIt, it is a fabulous open-source framework for automating Windows applications. It is full-featured, easy to use, very popular and has a large, active community supporting it. O'Reilly published a Shortcut for AutoItV3 in 2007.

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Programming Collective Intelligence

Toby Segaran has written an excellent book in Programming Collective Intelligence. The books introduces the algorithms and thinking for developing cutting edge recommendation engines, searching tools, and data driven analysis. The beauty of this book is how Toby makes the subject fun and playful.

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JavaScript The Missing Manual

For a book sub-titled "The Missing Manual," my expectation is this book would serve as a useful reference manual. Its real value would rely on being able to consult it when I faced a problem. Accordingly, immediately after receiving the book, I turned first to the index to see how useful it was.

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Building Scalable Web Sites (The Flickr Way)

This is a very informative book describing many facets of what it takes to build a scalable website. Written by the engineering manager for Flickr. Topics range from how to set up your developement environement, to caching, to the various types of mysql clustering you can setup.

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Rapid GUI Programming with Python and QT

"At Last!" is what came to mind when I first read about the new book on using QT with Python. The last and only book was published in 2001, by Boudewijn Rempt, but this was written around QT 2.x. QT has changed significantly since then and requires some re-familiarizing yourself with the new version, if you haven’t worked with it since then.

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